First Congregational Church of East Bloomfield

Rich in heritage, bonded in love, growing in Christ.

The Congregational Way of Life

"The Congregational Way is a way of following Christ. People of a Congregational Church do not seek to be led by a creed, but by the Spirit. Ours is the tradition of a free church, gathered under the headship of Christ and bound to others by love, not law."

We are a Protestant church that practices congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs.

We hold the view that (1) every local church is a full realization in miniature of the entire Church of Jesus Christ; and (2) the Church, while on earth, besides the local church, can only be invisible and ideal. 

We understand that God has given the government of the Church into the hands of an ordained ministry. What makes our church unique is its system of checks and balances, which constrains the authority of the clergy, the lay officers, and the members.

The authority of all of the people within our church, including the officers, is limited in the local congregation by our constitution and by-laws, by which the terms of our cooperation together are spelled out and agreed to. Thus, our church is understood to be a truly voluntary association.

To learn more about The Congregational Way, please see this PDF article (Adobe Reader required to view): The Biblical Basis of Congregationalism

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